Location: Washington

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Position Statement on 2yr College Writing Centers

When the TYCA National Executive Committee met in Chicago on March 25, they discussed a “Position Statement on Two-Year College Writing Centers” which was published in the March TETYC v33.3 (260-263).

The entire issue was focused on Writing Centers in the Two-Year College, and I would encourage everyone to look carefully at the articles by Lerner and Tassoni, along with the “Position Statement.”

The position statement was endorsed by the International Writing Center Association, an NCTE affiliate, in November 2005. The TYCA EC also voted to endorse the document.

Below, I’ll list a few of the major points:

1- The writing center should be as autonomous as possible within the institutional structure….Many writing centers in two—year colleges, rather than being tied to specific areas of the curriculum, serve writers at all levels and in any area of the curriculum across the entire institution. In addition to serving student, many writing centers also serve faculty and the community.

2- The writing center should be provided a physical space appropriate and conducive to the variety of services provided. An autonomous space is recommended whenever possible. Computer technology should be available in the writing center and should support the work of the center. Although the writing center might contain a computer lab, it is not, in itself, a computer lab, and should not be thought of as such.

3- The writing center should not be an editing or proofreading service.

4- The writing center should be given the opportunity, when appropriate, to participate in college program review processes within its own institution.

5- Writing center administrators should be tenure-stream or continuing contract salaried employees, depending on local context. It is preferable that they have faculty status with a minimum of a 50-percent release from their teaching responsibilities per semester to oversee the writing center.

There are 10 more recommendations which can be found in the March TETYC or on the IWCA WebPages:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll post this and link to this on CCE, Sharon.

2:31 PM, April 05, 2006  
Blogger sharon said...

Fabulous! Thanks for spreading the word.

8:16 AM, April 10, 2006  
Anonymous College Research Papers said...

Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all.

2:14 AM, December 01, 2009  

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